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4 min read
When I was a small child I became obsessed with my older brother’s record collection (yes, he is that much older ;)) My favorite band was...

4 min read
Together we are stronger. While I realize this subject it’s very delicate right now, I believe I have held back my thoughts on the matter...

4 min read
How Addicted are you?
“Neurons that fire together, wire together.” - Donald Hebb. Never before I have seen so many people falling victim of drugs and alcohol...

3 min read
The long way Home
For years, growing up, I asked myself if there was something wrong with me. No matter where I was or who I was with I never quite fitted...

3 min read
The power of Solitude
Solitute - a concept that was so foreign to me until couple of years ago. The thought of being alone scared me to the point that I would...

2 min read
Reclaiming Humanity
It’s been almost 4 years since I felt the urge to share my thoughts ideas and frustrations in this blog Prior to this week, I honestly...

3 min read
Keep it simple
‘If all the people in all of the World would turn their worries into laughter then all of the people in all of the World would live...

3 min read
The bigger picture
Growing up I always felt a little jealous of people that claimed to have a passion or calling. Their approach to life seemed so different...

5 min read
Let's talk about Manifesting
I have been wanting to discuss conscious manifestation for a long time but when dealing with such a powerful and yet little known...
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