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3 min read
Keep it simple
‘If all the people in all of the World would turn their worries into laughter then all of the people in all of the World would live...

3 min read
The bigger picture
Growing up I always felt a little jealous of people that claimed to have a passion or calling. Their approach to life seemed so different...

5 min read
Let's talk about Manifesting
I have been wanting to discuss conscious manifestation for a long time but when dealing with such a powerful and yet little known...

3 min read
Choose your friends wisely
The old say: ‘You should count your friends on one hand’ turned out to be a very wise teaching. Unfortunately in a society where ‘more’...

2 min read
New Year New Mind
With the New year starting we all want to revisit our life style choices and set new goals or challenges. Loose weight, new job, new car,...

3 min read
Goodbye fear
There is no doubt that fear represents the biggest hold back in life. It’s the number one reason why people get stuck and cannot proceed...

2 min read
A word on Passion
I just wanted to write few words on passion as it seems to me that it’s often taken for granted. We tend to get sucked into the routine...

4 min read
You choose
How many times we find ourselves in unwanted situations that unfortunately have become way too familiar? A fight? A struggle? How many...
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